Vehicles with Unique Design Language (PART 1)

I usually play this game when taking walks, in which I try to guess from a distance what cars are approaching before they get close. Not to brag, but I usually guess right 99.9% of the time (wink wink). The reason I can play this game of mine, is because every car has it's own specific shape, outline or look. Sometimes, just the headlights of a car can easily give it away. Now, lets play a quick game. The image below is of a very popular car in Nigeria, try guessing the car. Most people will guess right because this car has a specific body shape that brought about it's Nigerian given nick name.

If your guess was the Toyota Camry (Muscle), then you are correct. Bravo!

A design language is hence, a collection of visual and interactive elements designers use to communicate with users. Visual design comprises of shapes, patterns and colours that are used to communicate with a brand’s target audience. There are thousands of vehicles on the road and it can be very difficult to tell them apart. Car companies are well aware of this dilemma and have tried to set themselves apart. Some car companies have done an excellent job at this task and have unique design language for their cars. Let's dive in, you will definitely get the gist as we go on.

1. The Lexus L-Finesse Grille Design

Lexus L-Finesse Grille Design

The Lexus L-Finesse grille design is probably one of the most unique design languages in the automotive world. I really don't know how else to explain the concept, but take a good look at the grille of the car above and you will notice that it has this "inverted L" design. The design gives Lexus vehicles a sporty look and I personally love this Lexus design. The L-Finesse design is the main reason why Toyota owners "upgrade" their vehicles to look sportier and more aesthetically pleasing.

Toyota Venza L-Finesse Grille Design Kit

Take note of the L-Finesse Grille Design on all Lexus SUV's

2. Porsche 911 Unique Coupe Body Design and Headlights

Take note of the Headlight design 

Since the inception of the Porsche Nine Eleven (911), which is over 50 years ago, it has kept the same "krabby patty secret formula"  for it's car design. The headlights have these unique circular design and as for the body, it is a very unique coupe design. I cannot find words to describe the exact body style of the Porsche 911, but I will let pictures do justice.

Porsche's Unique Coupe Body Design
Porsche's Unique Headlight Design

3. BMW Kidney Grille Design

BMW Kidney Grille Evolution

The BMW kidney grill is another banger when it comes to unique car design language. Over the years, the kidney grille has evolved in size and details, but the basic shape has remained consistent since 1933.

The first BMW 303 model introduced this iconic two-part grille that leaned backwards for improved aerodynamics. Fast forward to the present day and the kidney grille design still helps with aerodynamics of BMW cars, however, it has also become an aesthetic feature adding beauty and uniqueness to the car brand.

4. The Mini Cooper Body Style

Mr. Beans Mini Cooper

The Mini Cooper is a tiny British car that has maintained a very unique body style over the years. If you had a childhood and watched Mr Bean, that his comically tiny car was a Mini Cooper. The Mini Cooper has been hitting the gym recently and has therefore gained some bulk over the years, however, it is still very recognisable on first glance. It has a small, kind of bubbly look that actually stands out from other vehicles on the road. Once again, I will let pictures do justice to the explanation I am trying to pass across.

After seeing these pictures of a Mini Cooper, you will always be able to identify one, next time you see them on the road. They are uniquely built.

5. The Nissan GT-R Rear Lights

Take note of the circular rear lights with like dots within them

At this point, I must sound like a broken record talking about the Nissan GT-R, but I don't care. For those new to the channel and who do not already know, the Nissan GT-R is my favourite car and I can't wait to own one. For the good Samaritans in the house who want to get me one, I would prefer an R34 GT-R in midnight purple colour with gold BBS wheels, thanks and God bless.

Anyway, the rear lights of all Nissan GT-R's are circular with dot like inclusions and are quite distinct. If you ever end up in the rear view of a Nissan GT-R in traffic, especially at night, it would be so easy to recognize one.

Nissan R35 Rear Lights

There are so many more vehicles with unique design languages/features and we will definitely get to talk about them in Part 2. Cheers to looking out for cars and easily identifying them. Have a wonderful weekend and always remember to Turbo that engine!

For collaborations, please hit me up;, 08140266662


Anonymous said…
This was a good read
I am glad you enjoyed it and thank you reading.

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