It is with great pleasure that I announce TurboNerdz being a year old today. Looking back, deciding to finally start this blog is one of the best decisions I have made in my two decades of life. Through this blog, I have improved on my writing skills, met so many wonderful people who share in my interest of automobiles and most importantly, I learned that our biggest fears only come through if we sit around being afraid.

I joined Blogger in March, 2021 and immediately started writing content but did not publish any of my work until the 31st of August, 2022. My roommates knew about the blog and encouraged me to post but I was worried that people would not be interested. On a faithful evening, a course mate came into my room looking for Nifemi The Entertainer because he had a gig for him. I then jokingly told my course mate that I was available if he had any automobile related gigs but he looked at me with a puzzled face and exited the room. It was at that point I realized only my close friends knew about my flare and unwavering love for automobiles or that I was secretly harboring a blog.

This comment definitely put a smile on my face 

I eventually decided to put myself out there and it payed off. I mean, what's the point in having light and then hiding it under a bushel? Now my friends and course mates send links to car content for me to analyze, random people approach me asking if I'm the car blog guy, sometimes people just ask me random questions about automobiles and these little things make my S1 & S2 heart sounds way more audible.

SAINT JHN - Put the pedal to the floor, Look the devil in the eyes

This blog has served as a means to channel my energy towards something I love and something useful. If I say I did it on my own, that would be a lie. I thank Miss Ifedolapo for tutoring me on how to operate this blog thing in the first place and then for the constant moral support from Dr. Temi Wisdom, my roommates Seyi, Lawrence & Hasler and last but not least, Tolu A.K.A Sisi Eko for spurring me on from the very beginning. It's been an amazing year creating content and I can only ask for grace to keep doing my thing.

My Oga in this car thing @ Dr. Temi Wisdom

Thank you to everyone who has read and shared my blogposts, TurboNerdz is absolutely nothing without you. As I conclude this acceptance speech, I will aggressively remind you to always Turbo that engine!


Cheers to more years of nerding out about automobiles😂❤️
I sure will. Thank you ma’am 😌
Congratulations Brother, amazing things ahead for you❤️
David said…
Joyyy said…
Benny said…
Congratulations 🥳

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