A few episodes back, I wrote about my crush for the school bus, explaining how it was such an awesome vehicle but I realized later on that the school bus is nothing without it's captain. I would usually make jokes about wanting to take the wheel, so as to drive my friends and I to the hostel when the bus driver is late but it’s all mouth. A hint to my friends, if you ever see me attempting to drive the school bus, better run out and find your way, lol! 😂

Just imagine your school bus driver

For those of us who can drive, especially people like me who were fortunate enough to learn with a manual car, it is very easy to undermine to the work of a school bus driver. You would think that it is no big deal, all the bus driver needs to do is change gears right? It will shock you to know how much mental work a school bus driver has to perform, in order to ensure the safety of himself, the occupants of the bus, as well as other motorists on the road. 

Use your imagination like you always do before bed

So, what makes the school bus driver stand out?


As a school bus driver, one has to be able to maneuver such a wide and long vehicle through all forms of terrain and tiny spaces. I remember the first time I drove a station wagon, it felt so weird because the car was so long. I had to give extra space while overtaking other vehicles and had to be very careful going through tight corners. Now imagine handling a vehicle two times the length of a standard station wagon.

To be bus driver no easy

For those of us who follow the school bus, I want you to recall how the bus goes through the school gate beside the Seminary. The bus driver takes a very short and sharp angle just to fit through the narrow gate and he is always spot on. This just proves that school bus drivers, as well as other heavy duty vehicle operators are built different.


As a school bus driver, one has to be patient with other motorists on the road. Smaller vehicles especially keke napeps and motorcycle's here in Ogbomosho always try to overtake the school bus from very wrong angles, usually at the blind spot. The responsibility of watching out for impatient motorists on the road then falls on the school bus driver in order to prevent a road accident.

Avoid vehicle blind spots


Unlike smaller vehicles in which you hit the breaks and the car comes to a complete halt, it is not the same for a school bus or other heavy duty vehicles. The extra weight that comes with a school bus filled to capacity with students, affects the acceleration as well as deceleration of the school bus. It then falls on the school bus driver to make reasonable calculations as he drives, anticipating the flow of traffic, so as not to crash into other vehicles.

Do not break check bus drivers

These few points do not do justice to how much work goes into driving a school bus, but at least we now have a clue. Therefore, appreciate your school bus driver today and buy him a chilled coke at the very least. 

Thank you for reading and always remember to Turbo that engine!



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