
Goodbye Turbonerdz

SURU! For a while now, my favourite song has been Suru by Asake featuring Stormzy. The lyrics of this song resonate so well with me and they go thus, "Iṣẹ Oluwa ko sẹni to ye (Iṣẹ Oluwa ko sẹni to ye); Ko sẹni to ye rara, Iṣẹ Oluwa ko sẹni to ye". On the very first episode of this blog, I remember admonishing my Turbonerdz to put on their seat belts, because it was going to be one hell of a ride. Fast forward to this present moment and it truly has been a crazy ride. Nonetheless, without you my passengers, there would be no ride to begin with. Turbonerdz is absolutely nothing without you guys, who constantly indulge my links popping up in your dm's and timelines every other week, reading and sharing my posts as well. I want to say a big thank you to my Turbonerdz. ACTIVE LIKE MAD!!! Anyhoo, my brain child called "Turbonerdz", will be going on an hiatus until further notice. Do not be worried tho, as it is for a greater good, because your boy has been called up t

What Happened to the Nigerian Nissan Pathfinder?

2nd Generation Pathfinder (1995 - 2004) The vehicle we will be discussing about today needs zero introduction. For a very long time in Nigeria, this vehicle was a sign of wealth. Any man who took a Chieftaincy title, bought this car the very next week to show everyone that he had arrived. At least one person on every street had a 2nd Generation Nissan Pathfinder. It is also important to note that the 2nd Generation Nissan Pathfinder was also sold as the Nissan Terrano Regulus in the Middle East and as the Infinity QX4 in the European and American market as a more luxurious version of the base Nissan Pathfinder. Infinity QX4 Why was the Nissan Pathfinder so Popular back then? Sedan vehicles ruled the streets of Nigeria up until the early 2000's when Nigerian movies began to portray having a "Jeep" as a status symbol. In those movies, you would see someone return from abroad or become a big business man in Lagos, only to return to the village with a "Jeep". The ch

Is Nigeria Slowly Becoming A Classic Car Museum like Cuba?

Definition of terms; 1. What is a Classic Car?:  A classic car is typically an automobile that is 25 years or older. For some parties, a car that is 20 year old is already a classic car. This means that cars produced in the year 2000 such as the Nissan Micra of Ibadan, Toyota  Camry  (Pencil Light), Honda Accord (Baby Boy), among others which are still very common on our roads will officially become classic cars by next year (2025). Top: Honda Accord (Baby Boy); Middle: Nissan Micra of Ibadan; Bottom: Toyota Camry (Pencil Light)   2. Where is Cuba?: Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country, located where the northern Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean meet. This is not a geography class, so I will not go further trying to explain Cuba's longitudes and latitudes. All you need to know is that Cuba is a small island country that is located just beside the United States of America (USA). This close proximity between Cuba and USA, made it a perfect posi

Vehicles with Unique Design Language (PART 2)

Two weekends ago, we discussed about some vehicles with unique design language that easily set them apart from other vehicles. For his weekend, we are going to continue from where we stopped and without further ado, let's dive right in. 1. The G-Wagon Boxy Design I first laid my two “koro koro” eyes on a G-Wagon in JSS 2. On that very day, it was vacation and Senior Osazuwa of blessed memory, along with his older brother were picked in a G-Wagon. Nowadays the G-Wagon is a common vehicle to spot, but back then it was quite rare. I remember seeing a boxy vehicle approach from afar and I immediately knew that it was a G-wagon. Coupled with that side exhaust that is almost deafening, what a sight it was to behold. Over the years, the G-Wagon has had some copy cats, like the one seen above which is a Chinese copy cat. Our very own Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM) has a G-Wagon look alike. Nonetheless, the G-Wagon easily stands out from every other vehicle on the road. 2. Mustang Rear


I began Turbonerdz about a month before the commencement of my first professional examination (MB 1). I bet most people questioned my decision to start blogging at such a dire time, but little did they know that blogging was what kept me sane. Looking back, my daily routine consisted of reading, eating and sleeping while preparing for that exam. This triad of  a routine soon became redundant and I was honestly tired of reading. I needed to do something to get my mind off books for a while. That was how I picked up my jotter and penned down what would become my second blogpost, "The SUV Craze". I have always liked cars, even as a child. I did not know anything about engines or transmissions, all I knew is that they looked beautiful. Thanks to a father who is also a gearhead, he would explain little details about cars to me and he always ensured to involve me whenever he was buying a car or servicing any of the ones we owned. Coupled with TV shows like Pimp My Ride and Top Gear

Vehicles with Unique Design Language (PART 1)

I usually play this game when taking walks, in which I try to guess from a distance what cars are approaching before they get close. Not to brag, but I usually guess right 99.9% of the time (wink wink). The reason I can play this game of mine, is because every car has it's own specific shape, outline or look. Sometimes, just the headlights of a car can easily give it away. Now, lets play a quick game. The image below is of a very popular car in Nigeria, try guessing the car. Most people will guess right because this car has a specific body shape that brought about it's Nigerian given nick name. If your guess was the Toyota Camry (Muscle), then you are correct. Bravo! A design language is hence, a collection of visual and interactive elements designers use to communicate with users. Visual design comprises of shapes, patterns and colours that are used to communicate with a brand’s target audience. There are thousands of vehicles on the road and it can be very difficult to tell t